17 years of prayer

Several pastors in Costa Mesa have been praying together for over 17 years! And last Sunday, one of their prayer requests was answered; hundreds gathered to worship from churches across the city for one, united expression of faith. They cancelled their Sunday morning services and showed up at the fairgrounds at 9am, ready to praise a God of unifying love and work together to bless our community in unprecedented ways. This was a game-changer!
Our musicians came from 4 different churches, and I led the worship with a friend who sang in Spanish. We created a unique blend of languages as diverse neighbors worshipped together like never before…
Two of our city’s pastors bilingually challenged the audience to action, and we closed the service with a time of prayer, repentance, and commitment. As people left, there were booths and information set up to find out more about ways to serve and love Costa Mesa.
Several city council members attended, and one left in tears.
Your contribution and prayers for this ministry allow me to step into divine appointments like this one-
Thanks again for partnering with us!