Branches Humboldt!

As you probably know, I grew up in Humboldt, graduating from Arcata High School. I met Heidi at a Christian college in Santa Cruz, California while she was majoring in Intercultural Communications — smuggling Bibles into China, passionate about reaching all people with the hope of Jesus. At the same time, I was writing songs, using music and the arts to share the message in coffee shops, on street corners, and on high school campuses.
Since then — for almost 25 years! — God has been nurturing a small seed of a dream for a community-minded and outreach-oriented church in Arcata. Now, through the partnerships of Stadia Church Planting & Grace Church Seal Beach, that dream is finally becoming a reality.
BRANCHES HUMBOLDT is a brand new church in development. The plan is for Heidi and I to move to Arcata, CA in the summer of 2021 and begin growing a team and nurturing a new faith community toward reaching out with God’s love and the hope found in Jesus. I can’t wait to share more with you in the coming months!

You can connect with us on Facebook and Instagram @brancheshumboldt
And join us and follow along by signing up for information here:
My sister lives in Arcata (I am in Ohio). Been praying for her for years, she called me today to share that she prayed to receive Jesus. I started looking for churches in the area and happened on your branches church plant coming soon.
That’s great news about your sister! Yes, please pass along our contact information. We’d love to get to know her and hear her story. My wife’s email is if she’d like to get in touch!
Hi, Justin,
Are your parents Brooke and Larry Fox? I’d bet so! Brooke babysat for me in college about 46 years ago! I went out to lunch with Brooke months ago and she told me about all her kids. I believe that she told me about your inspirational “branches” idea at that time. I just got a lovely card on my doorknob about Branches and looked it up on the web. As I watched your story on a video, I linked you with Brooke in my head. I hope you will go far to help people in Humboldt. I am not a Christian, though I grew up in the church and left it at age 18. But, I think you are doing a good thing for people and wish you well. You look like both your parents and your upbringing must have been colorful and happy. I think you and Heidi will go far. Good Luck! Carol Green
Yes; that’s me 🙂 You’d of course be welcome to come check us out anytime on a Sunday morning at the Vets Hall. Thank you for the encouraging note, Carol!