NY Tour Diary :: Day 1
I thought I’d try to write a little bit of my day to day adventures, each day of this week-long tour. I’m out here in upper New York, solo, and I’ve never done such a thing before, so I thought I’d give it a shot. Anyone up for a few SNAPSHOTS of the road life? If there’s anyone out there who has the time and interest to follow along with me this week…I’m thankful for your company!
OK, so it takes ALL DAY to fly to a place like this from sunny California. It’s now midnight here, and I just got in. It’s 20 degrees. Pastor Samme Palermo is my gracious host, picking me up at Rochester airport, swinging by Applebee’s for a late-night chicken salad, and dropping me off here at the Fairfield Inn. Samme is the best – a total New Yorker, a ROCKER, and a give-the-coat-off-his-back lover of people. I’ll be at his church twice this week, and I can’t wait! PLEASE PRAY FOR SAMME’S MOM; He found out moments before he picked me up that she is severe flu-like symptoms and being rushed to the hospital! He dropped me at the hotel and headed straight over there…may God’s peace comfort him and his family…
Besides a tiny nap, and some quiet reflections in prayer, I mostly read today on the flights, as I love to do…1st Corinthians, 2 magazines (American Way and Blender), and 2 Henri Nouwen books (Making All Things New and Letters to Marc About Jesus). Henri is awesome! I was really inspired today, too, by Paul’s encouragement in Corinthians to “run the race to win”. Of course, I’ve heard that a million times, but isn’t it like the Spirit to use something familiar to capture your heart in a fresh way? This week, I want to run the race to win…not just “finish well”…but actually to WIN it, you know? May God hear my prayer!
I’m fighting against the 3-hour time difference, so I’m going to attempt to listen to all 20 new songs from Blender’s “Download These” column, and then hope sleep comes soon…
Until tomorrow-
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