If you happen to be in the VA area, please make every effort to join me for this restful Saturday retreat!
This will be an “unhurried day with Jesus” complete with guided prayer times, helpful instruction, worship, sharing, experiential activities, and lots of free time (+ a canoe!). It will be from 9:30am-3:30pm on Saturday the 28th at Still Waters Retreat Center in Chesterfield. $20 covers lunch and retreat materials.
“What will this look like and what will we do all day?” Glad you asked – we’ll start with light refreshments, some singing together, some brief instructions, schedule overview, and a short teaching to set up the first group session from 10-10:45am. 11-11:50am will be a second session done on your own with optional prayer suggestions and spiritual exercises to experience. Panera lunch, debrief, and fellowship will follow, leading into another group session from 1-1:50 (a unique worship experience with the Psalms). The last solo session will be from 2-2:50 with more optional prayer suggestions and spiritual exercises to experience. We will gather back together one last time from 3-3:30 for sharing, debrief, and a last group prayer. There are no mandatory sessions (except the first one for info and instructions) and you will be free to follow the Spirit’s lead throughout the day…to read, to rest, to sleep, to paddle, to listen, to wander, to be carried along by the “unforced rhythms of grace.”
Directions and more details will be given at sign up, so please jump in with me! http://www.commonwealthchapel.com/renew