
music – musings – mission

Soul Sauna: Taking a Benedictine Retreat

Posted by on Jan 10, 2018

Soul Sauna: Taking a Benedictine Retreat

If self-care is somewhere on your New Year’s Resolutions list, you might be asking yourself:

How can I get a rest, a real rest this year?

What would best help me clear my head and reset my heart?

What could most refresh and refuel me?

What might deeply reengage my relationship with God?

and if you can carve out a 24-48 hour block of time to dedicate to this endeavor (which you should!), then I have an adventure for you:

A Benedictine Retreat!

You know that feeling when you get out of a hot-tub or sauna after a long time; that mellow, mushy, super-relaxed, nothing-can-upset-me type of feeling? A retreat like this does that for your soul, and there’s nothing quite like it.

So in the next few paragraphs, I will explain exactly how to go on a solo, silent, self-guided Benedictine retreat at a monastery, on your own terms, in your own way (but steeped in hundreds of years of spiritual history and practice) that will stretch and grow your mind, enlarge your soul, and help you deeply unplug. Let’s go!


The first thing you’ll need to do is look at your crazy-busy, jam-packed calendar and find a 24-48 hour window to block out. This may be tough, but it will be worth it. The longer the better, so try for 48 hours if possible. Choose a couple options, because when you call the retreat center they may be booked. Most don’t do email often, so calling is best. There are Benedictine monasteries all over the world that host individuals for self-guided retreats. I’ve been to three, and I highly recommend them:

Prince of Peace Abby (ocean)
650 Benet Hill Rd, Oceanside, CA 92058
(760) 967-4200

St. Andrews Abbey (desert)
31001 N. Valyermo Rd, Valyermo, CA 93563
(661) 944-2178

Holy Cross Abbey (mountain)
901 Cool Spring Lane
Berryville, Virginia 22611-2700
(540) 955-4383

You’ll simply call them, tell them you’d like to come for an individual, self-guided retreat, and they will help you book your room. You normally pay at the end of your stay, with a check that you leave in an envelope and drop in a key-slot (and they are patient and gracious if you forget your checkbook and have to arrange payment later). Room and board costs are about $100 a night. This fee can sometimes be covered by your employer through a self-care/development budget, or through a spiritual development account if you’re in ministry, so don’t be afraid to ask your boss or supervisor about this.


Now that you’ve got the dates booked, begin thinking through what to bring with you on the retreat. Pack light. This is a perfect time to practice simplicity!

Meals: If you don’t have any dietary restrictions, I highly recommend not bringing extra food or snacks; eat the simple, healthy meals that the monastery provides and nothing more. Skipping a meal or two, as a fast, is also another powerful practice, but I personally like the mealtime because it’s a unique setting to experience, and it fits nicely into the rhythm of the day. The food is healthy and simple and often locally farmed.

Clothes: Bring a sun hat and good walking shoes, and a coat for the cold nights (when you’re walking to and from the chapel). Dress is casual, plain, and muted. Wear what’s comfortable and what will be least distracting for you and others.

Books/Journals: Bring your Bible and a journal to write in. It’s fine to bring some other reading material, too, but don’t be tempted to fill up your entire retreat with reading catch-up or homework. The idea is to create space for your mind and heart, not constantly fill it with material. Also, these monasteries have interesting libraries where you can sit and read, or check out a book or two to take to your room.

The rooms are furnished with simple sheets, blankets, and pillows, so no extra bedding is needed. They also have clean, working, in-room bathrooms and showers, with little soaps included…so no need to bring a bunch of toiletries or beauty products, either. Go natural and leave the hair spray at home!


Driving out to the abbey for your retreat is a great time to begin slowing your mind and heart, calming your spirit, and preparing to be with God in a quiet, unique way. Take your time, go slow, listen to soul-nourishing music or stay in silence and begin practicing a posture of thoughtfulness. Ask God on this drive if He has any direction for you during the retreat. Questions like the ones below, followed by silence and listening, can sometimes begin to give shape and direction to your retreat:

“God, is there anything you want me to particularly do on this retreat?”

“God, is there anything you’d like me to particularly not do?”

“God, is there anything you’d like me to pay particular attention to?”

“God, is there a theme or topic in my life right now you want me to explore?”

A petitionary prayer you can fall back on at any time before or during the retreat could be something like this:

“God, I want to be open to You. Help me notice You – what You are doing, and where You are leading…and graciously guide me as I seek to follow You.”


Try to schedule your trip so that you arrive around 11:30am. This will get you there in time for noon lunch (you paid for it after all!), and get you settled in so you have a full afternoon ahead. Once you arrive, you’ll park your car and find the little office where the host will give you your room key and any instructions. Put your stuff in your room, check to see if you need anything, and intentionally decide what you will do with your phone. Definitely, don’t take it to meals, or the chapel, or anywhere if possible. Put it on silent – and no vibrate. Put it in the desk drawer if you can bear it. These retreat centers have no wi-fi (intentionally) and sometimes cell service is spotty. Give the retreat center’s phone number to family or friends before you leave, so they can reach you in an emergency, and that way you can feel more free to keep your phone packed away. Try to make a purposeful break from work demands, social media, and any other distracting temptations.


Again, getting there for lunch is a great plan. Different monasteries eat meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) in different ways, so be ready to be flexible, patient, and just go with the flow. Some places have their meals in complete silence, others include some background music or even a monk reading from classic literature, and others make this time casual and conversational where you can get to know the other folks taking a retreat like yourself. In my experience, there’s usually about 5-10 other retreat goers there, mixed in age and gender, and everyone seems to be particularly calm, quiet, and polite. Be friendly if you’d like, but also don’t feel any pressure to talk (definitely don’t network!). There’s an understanding in these quickly formed communities – some primary goals shared by all; to connect with God, to rest, to be peaceful, to listen, to slow down, to be humble, to unplug, and to practice some silence and solitude. So be sensitive and aware of these values as you settle in and find your way around.


The question I probably get asked the most about a retreat like this is, “What do you do all that time?” You might be wondering how in the world you’d occupy yourself for a couple days at a monastery, so I’ll attempt to help fill in some blanks here…

The first afternoon, after lunch, is a great time to get settled into your room and maybe do some exploring around the retreat center grounds. I also take this time to read over all the brochures and retreat information they give. Benedictine abbeys have a regimented, strict schedule of services in their chapel, so I make sure to mark the times for these and become familiar with everything I can. It’s fun and interesting to learn about a place and its history. I love looking at all the antique pictures in the lobby or library and generally trying to soak up the setting. If you’re exhausted when you arrive, diving into a nap before dinner is also a worthwhile pursuit. This is a time for rest, and if that means actual, literal rest then by all means, take advantage of it!


As mentioned earlier, your time at the abbey will be punctuated by several chapel services, all marked by the ringing of the bell tower. These services are fairly short (about 20 min.) and are very interesting and stretching experiences. Try to attend them all! I find they help break up my time, give me scheduled handholds throughout the day, and make me feel part of something bigger. Their rhythm spurs me along, and their content (mostly the Psalms, chanted or sung by the monks) begins to soften my heart and widen my view of God and the world.

Benedictine monasteries are unapologetically Roman Catholic in theology, ritual, and tradition so sometimes this will be evident, and if you’re a “regular ‘ol Baptist-ish-Protestant-Christian” like me, sometimes a prayer to Mary or a saint may catch you off guard (although I’ve actually found prayers like these to be quite rare). I, personally, enjoy keeping an open mind to all this, and I encourage you to do so, as well. It’s so different from my normal church experience, and it’s educational and inspiring to sit with other Jesus followers from different backgrounds…all being led by around twelve monks who’ve given their very lives over to worship God.

As you walk in the chapel door, there will be a printed handout for the service. Take a copy and use it to follow along. You’re welcome to join the small congregation in singing along with the monks (I always try it!), and there are tons of responsive reading parts that you get to do, too. There’s sitting, standing, bowing, kneeling…lots of actions that keep things interesting. Try to do them all, and see how God uses these unique spiritual practices to speak to you. The service before lunch (“Mass”) has communion as a part of it, and this is the only element that non-Catholics can’t participate in, but you won’t feel awkward abstaining from that part.

If I don’t sleep in, I try to attend the early morning chapel around 7 or 8am. Then it’s breakfast, a break, and the service before lunch. There’s also a service before dinner called “Vespers” (which includes an epic sunset view if you’re at Prince of Peace in Oceanside during the winter!). Following dinner at around 8pm is the “Compline” service. This last chapel service before bed is a wonderful way to prepare for nighttime, rest your heart and soul for sleep, and enter into the evening silence. Some monasteries have a midnight or incredibly early morning service (like 3:30am!). Heading out to this one in the middle of the night ups the adventure quotient if you’re game!

It’s something about the rhythm of these chapel services, the ringing of the bell tower, and the pervading silence enveloping everything else that starts to work this “soul sauna” effect. The words of the Psalms, sung without rhymes or drumbeats, and the simple, ancient prayers begin to weave there way into your heart and spirit. By bedtime, there’s a deep peace and stillness falling over everything, and you can’t help but be wrapped up into it. In monastic communities, this time is sometimes referred to as “The Great Silence”, and something about the atmosphere makes it truly feel like that.

The last retreat I took, I left at 10am, arriving before lunch, and left after the evening “Vespers” service the next day, getting home around 10pm. This gave me about 36 hours of dedicated “retreat” time, and it was perfect. It turned out to be a good compromise and alternative to my original 48-hour goal.


Most of these retreat centers have an elaborate “Stations of the Cross” walking path. These can be a formative practice. Take your time, go slow…really slow…walk slow, think slow, read slow…see how long you can stretch the experience out! There’s often other nature walks or different places to explore, as well (like a huge cross on a hilltop) so get out there and do some walking! I sometimes like taking pictures of my surroundings. Capturing some of the natural beauty on these retreats is a good way to remember these moments, focus your attention, and create some snapshots to reflect on later.

Make sure to take advantage of the coffee and tea stations along the way. Most places have hot water and assorted items available (hot chocolate, etc…) throughout the day and night. I’m always trying new tea flavors or experimenting with coffee/chocolate/mocha combinations. Ah, the simple indulgences ☺

Between nature walks, reading, resting, and participating in the chapel services, you might still find yourself with potentially several hour-long blocks of time to fill, and this is where some prayer guides or personal spiritual exercises can be helpful. I’ve enjoyed a variety of activities in these times, from playing my guitar or ukulele and singing worship songs (or old favorite, obscure tunes that I rarely get to play), to imaginative Bible reading, listening prayer, centering prayer, good ‘ol fashioned prayer requests, journaling, and drawing. There’s an endless array of options, and it keeps things interesting to ask God to lead you in these times and to be open to trying new things. A retreat like this might be a great time to just “play”; bring along your musical instruments, photography gear, hiking boots, or painting supplies and take time to do fun things with God that your busy schedule at home rarely permits. Avoid undertakings, though, that require intense focus or demand all your senses toward a task. Activities like these can leave little room for God to speak and distract you from an open, listening posture.


Remember to intentionally pray through your drive home from the retreat. You’ll be coming out of a very slowed-down, quiet, and hopefully soul-nourishing experience and possibly heading straight back into the noise, chaos, and demands of work and family. You want to be ready and prepared to be a blessing to your loved ones when you return. Think through how you can serve them or be especially present when you arrive back. Entrust the special, intimate time you had with God to His care and be ready to shift gears for the sake of others. The spiritual treasures you experienced on retreat will stick with you (especially if you write them down in a journal!) and continue to work their way through your life, deepening your walk with God and leading you to places of peace and maturity in Him.

There’s so much more to say and offer in the way of personal prayer and spiritual activity ideas while on retreat. There are books and websites dedicated to this kind of thing and even retreat devotionals catering to particular themes or seasons of life. Reach out to me if you’d like some more ideas, links, or guidance on finding specific content. I’d be happy to offer suggestions and support as you take this plunge into the “soul sauna” of Benedictine retreat. You’ll be glad you did!

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Lent Meditations (AUDIO)

Posted by on Mar 6, 2017

Lent Meditations (AUDIO)

Lenten blessings, everyone!

Remember when you had to wait a week for your favorite TV show to come on? On-demand streaming has taken away a bit of the drama, patience, and anticipation of a slowly unfolding storyline, so to recapture that (and help us experience Lent more deeply) I’ve created seven, weekly audio meditations. These are imaginative exercises based on Scripture which take us through Jesus’ Passion Week, leading to his crucifixion. They range from around 5-10 minutes each, and are designed to lead to further reflective prayer afterward if you have time. Just choose a moment each week, grab your favorite blanket or comfy chair, maybe brew up a warm drink, settle in and hit “play”. You could also listen along during a daily activity, like a car ride or preparing a meal in the kitchen. Don’t skip ahead and binge-listen, though! I pray these are a blessing and guide you these seven weeks to a more intimate connection with our Savior’s love and sacrifice for you.

Week 1


Week 2


Week 3


Week 4


Week 5


Week 6


Week 7



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WHY do we do this?

Posted by on Sep 28, 2016

WHY do we do this?

As Pastor of Worship at Grace Community Church in Seal Beach, I have the opportunity to plan our worship gatherings each week, working with a pastoral team and other creative collaborators. It’s a joy and a privilege and also a great challenge: How do we keep things fresh but also stay true to a liturgy (the “work of the people”) that helps us know God better and appropriately respond in worship? What elements need to be there each week, and which ones could we leave behind? WHY do we even do some of this stuff anyway??

Our Worship Community recently gathered to reflect on these questions, and here’s a few nuggets we discovered. This video also did a great job of prompting us to really look hard at what we do and why we do it…

Each of these liturgy elements below are activities we do fairly regularly, and the descriptions and reasons behind them are taken from The Worship Sourcebook and Desiring the Kingdom. We decided that each one, when done properly, helps us worship God in spirit and truth, and that they really do matter after all:

Call to Worship “An invitation to be human”

One function of the invitation is to express welcome and hospitality. We worship in the joyful context of our renewed relationship with God in Christ. These words may be spoken with a gesture of open embrace and a genuine smile to convey the warmth of God’s love.

Another function of the invitation is to call the community to the unique activity of worship. The primary activity of the worship service is for worshipers to participate in the gift exchange of worship itself, by hearing God’s Word, by offering prayers and praise, and by receiving spiritual nourishment offered at the Lord’s table. The call to worship establishes the unique purpose of the worship service and reinforces the “vertical dimension” of worship—an encounter between God and the gathered congregation.


Invocation “Utter dependence on God”

These petitions express longing for God as well as deep dependence and humility. Invocations acknowledge that the power in worship is a gift from God rather than a human accomplishment, and they explicitly confess that we approach God only through Christ.

The term invocation implies that the congregation invokes, or “calls upon,” God, but it should never be inferred that we are the ones to invite God into our presence, or that God’s presence with us depends on our invoking the Lord. God is present before we begin! Our prayers of invocation celebrate and acknowledge God’s presence; they don’t produce it.


Confession and Assurance of Pardon “Brokenness, Grace, Hope”

Our God longs for honesty and holiness within the promise-based relationship God has established with us in Christ. In a culture that avoids talk of sin and culpability, regular prayers of confession foster honesty and openness in our relationship with God. Just as a marriage cannot flourish without honest confession, so our mar- riage-like relationship with God cannot flourish unless we freely and honestly express all facets of our life: hopes, fears, sins, desires, thanksgiving, and praise.

The call to confession invites us to honest expression within the context of our covenant relationship with God. God’s grace comes to us, creating a relationship with us in Christ in which honesty about our sin is welcome and safe. We confess our sin not in order for God to forgive us but because God has forgiven us in Christ. The call to confession, therefore, is a word of grace like the assurance of pardon, not an exercise that shames us into confession.


Offering “Kingdom economics of gratitude”

The offering is a vital part of our response to God and God’s Word. It helps us connect our adoration for God with our life of discipleship. The money given at the offering is a token and symbol of our desire to devote our whole selves to God’s service in response to God’s loving faithfulness to us. It is symbolic of the many other gifts we should return to the Lord: time, possessions, talents, insights, and concern for others.

The word offering implies something freely given, something presented as a token of dedication or devotion. Everything we have is a gift from God, and our offerings are a way of acknowledging God as the giver. Take care not to refer to this act of worship as the “collection,” which can imply that it is gathering money to defray expenses. Quite the contrary—the purpose of the offering is to offer our firstfruits to God, to render to God a sacrifice of praise.


Sermon “Renarrating the World”

The reading and preaching of God’s Word stands at the center of worship and constitutes one of the privileged moments of worship. The words that introduce and respond to the reading and preaching of Scripture are important for helping the congregation to receive them both attentively and gratefully.

The Scriptures function as the script of the worshiping community, the story that narrates the identity of the people of God, the constitution of this baptismal city, and the fuel of the Christian imagination.


Communion “Supper with the King”

The Lord’s Supper is a physical, ritual action, mandated by Jesus, through which God acts to nourish, sustain, comfort, challenge, teach, and assure us. A richly symbolic act, the celebration of the Lord’s Supper nourishes our faith and stirs our imaginations to perceive the work of God and the contours of the gospel more clearly.

As the New Testament unfolds the meaning of the feast, it describes the Lord’s Supper as a single celebration that conveys several layers of meaning. First, the Lord’s Supper is a celebration of memory and hope. We remember all that God has done for us, especially in Christ. The Lord’s Supper is a thankful remembrance of the entire life and ministry of Christ: his participation in the creation of the world; his birth at Bethlehem; his teaching and miracles; his suffering, death, resurrection, and ascension; his sending of the Spirit; and his second coming and final reign. Significantly we remember not only the actual events (past and future), but especially how those events give us an identity, how they transform us and all creation.


Response & Benediction “The cultural mandate meets the great commission”

The close of a worship service depends a great deal on the theme and development of the particular service. Some services end in celebration, others in quiet contemplation. Some end in a confident call to discipleship, others in a quiet prayer for God’s comfort. It is important to give a congregation time to process in prayer and consider the unique way in which the Holy Spirit is speaking to them through the service.

The greeting from God at the beginning of a service and God’s blessing at the end of the service frame the entire worship liturgy. Just as we begin with God’s gracious invitation, so we end with God’s promise to always be with us. In the benediction the dialogue of worship shifts from the people’s response to God’s parting words. The words of benediction (a Latin word meaning “to speak well” or “to speak a good word”) are intended to bring a blessing.


Song “Hymning the language of the Kingdom”

Singing is a full-bodied action that activates the whole person – or at least more of the whole person than is affected by merely sitting and passively listening, or even reading and reciting texts. Singing is a mode of expression that seems to reside in our imagination more than other forms of discourse. Music gets “in” us in ways that other forms of discourse rarely do. A song gets absorbed into our imagination in a way that mere texts rarely do.


It was interesting to consider how the activity of singing and music itself doesn’t dictate our liturgy, or the order of it, but instead serves to enhance each of these important practices. Music serves the liturgy, the liturgy shouldn’t serve the music. Even though it’s so close to all of our hearts, we discussed music last for this very reason.

We even had group leaders line up, holding signs to designate their representative liturgical element, and we spent some time putting them in creative orders. Does it matter how these are put together? We realized that it truly does, and had a bit of fun with it, too!

img_1011-2It is truly miraculous how music plays a big part in our lives, how a song can get “into us” in the deepest of ways. Two members of our community shared examples of songs that have moved them profoundly, and since they come from very different spectrums, I thought it’d be educational and inspiring to link them here. Listen to them both and appreciate with us the diversity and creativity of God’s people!

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FOUR New Chapters!

Posted by on Dec 17, 2015

FOUR New Chapters!

Advent greetings, friends!

Have you noticed that “advent” forms the first part of the word “adventure”? And what could be more thrilling than diving deep into a journey of freedom, of following and becoming more like Jesus? That’s why I’m writing Trailmap; to serve as a guide to spiritual adventure, to map out a way toward true connection with God that previously might have been reserved for monks, missionaries, or “holy people”. This is contemplative Christianity for regular folks, an intimate experience for the rest of us. My vision through the last two decades of ministry and a seminary degree in spiritual formation has only become clearer with each new bend in the road. Will you join me on the adventure? For any contribution amount, I will offer a first-glimpse of Chapters 1-4, complete with prayer exercises and devotional reflection questions. These 55 pages bring to light fresh insights on prayer, devotional resources, and finding a personal path to spiritual wholeness, and this end-of-the-year charitable donation is tax-deductible and goes toward a great cause; our passionate calling to strengthen the soul of the Church and develop fresh ways of reaching out. Thanks for considering joining us in this way… Advent Blessings to you this holiday season! So, click the button below and continue the adventure!


Of course, you can always support our nonprofit through a check or use your credit card over the phone. Here’s the info:

Justin Fox Ministries
2356 Edgeview Ln.
Midlothian, VA 23113
(804) 318-6477

…and you might be asking yourself, “Why would I pay for only part of a book that is unedited and unpublished, anyway?” It might help to think of it more like a free-will donation that comes with a personal thank you letter (that’s four chapters long!). What’s fun about this is, these pages are “uncooked”, un-marketed, and not undiluted by focus groups or branding companies. This is un-distilled, raw content from the heart. You can’t put a price on that, so we didn’t. Any amount triggers a PDF copy to your email…and we mean any amount, so don’t be shy and don’t be embarrassed if you’re only able to do something very small. It’s all good and all goes to Kingdom work! Thanks again!

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Getaway this May 16th!

Posted by on May 5, 2015

Getaway this May 16th!

Our next “Unhurried Saturday with Jesus” is coming up!

Don’t miss this excuse to rest and relax in a prayerful way this May 16th.

To find out more and sign up, click here

Here’s a song I wrote about retreat (from the latest album)…  When the World Closes In

And check out the new video below. This was a labor of love by many of the folks who have gone on the retreat before and wanted to spread the word. Thanks Miranda Pheifer and friends!


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Vocare // Sept. 2015

Posted by on May 5, 2015

Vocare // Sept. 2015


Hey, RVA friends –

I’ll be serving as adjunct faculty this next school-year at Richmond Hill, facilitating a 9-month course on vocation and discernment. Would love to have you join us!

Are you in a questioning period of your life? Do you sense God leading you in new ways, but not sure what next step to take? Is there new vision being birthed in your heart?

Why not give God some intentional time this next year to really dive in to where He might be leading you? Through community, study, retreat, and reflection, you’ll be given the space and tools to hear God’s voice and direction in new ways. You won’t regret it!

To apply, sign up here

Gatherings will be held on Tuesday nights at 7pm.

The deadline is June 1 – but there’s some wiggle room

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