Kids Klub LAUNCH!

We’ve been feeling led in a few different directions these days with our ministry. I still love sharing my songs and especially excited about the new material, but it seems God is also stirring in my wife and I a vision for serving a little closer to home – and doing it together! We’ve loved the relationships we’ve built at our kids’ public school, and the last two summers we’ve even been able to host a VBS there. We had 100 kids attend last summer! With the idea of wanting to build on that connection, we decided to try an after-school program series. So, last month we hosted 70 kids for 3 Wednesdays at the school. We taught about poverty and generosity, packaging 11 Christmas care boxes for neighborhood families in need. It was awesome!
I taught the kids the chorus of “We Are the World”, they made up hand motions (of course), and we performed the song for the parents on the last day. To see more pictures of the event, visit the Facebook album here.
We’re excited for what’s next! Tomorrow we’ll begin auditions and practices for the school Talent Show. It’s our fourth year directing it. We’ll do a couple days a week of that for the month, as we help guide and shape each students’ act. A lot of our job at the very beginning is simply reminding kids (and parents) where an appropriate moral line is drawn regarding song lyrics and material. It’s amazing the challenge we have in keeping the acts family oriented and “G” rated, but the pay-off is worth it, and it’s a profound joy to see the pride and accomplishment beaming in a child’s face after a great performance. May God guide and bless this endeavor once again!