Posted by justinfox on Oct 22, 2011
A few friends and I are hosting a 1-day spiritual retreat in Orange this Saturday! I’ve been inspired by my grad studies in Spiritual Formation at Talbot, and I can’t wait to share a piece of this reflective journey with you. It promises to be a unique, refreshing, and renewing experience. I’d be so honored if you’d consider being a part! Here’s the info:
Saturday October 29, 2011
| One-Day Spiritual Retreat |
three interactive sessions featuring the art of Rembrandt and the words and reflections of Henri Nouwen
Old Towne Chapel
537 East Palm Ave.
Orange, CA 92866
(near the Orange Circle)
9:30 a.m to 3:30 p.m.
cost: $35
-snacks will be provided-
info: 949-294-7039 |

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Posted by justinfox on Oct 5, 2011
It’s time to say
Thank you for your prayers, advice, and donations. After several weeks of waiting on God’s direction, we felt led toward a mini-van for our family, and all of your generous contributions enabled us to buy this beautiful 2003 Honda Odyssey with cash, free and clear! We are blown away at God’s extravagant blessings in our lives – the kids are especially captured by the DVD system 😉

We’re praying for many more miles of ministry and family togetherness in our new van. I had to look outside in the driveway again this morning, just to make sure it’s real. We are humbled and grateful that you’d consider our ministry worth investing in. We are so excited for the fall and all that it holds for us; teen mentoring at three public schools, after-school programs and prayer gatherings around three elementary schools, our homeless community outreach, the youth leadership team, our church unity initiatives, and all the music ministry dates in between!
God is using you to TRANSFORM A CITY!
Thanks again for playing a part!
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Posted by justinfox on Aug 29, 2011
It seems fitting that this post would follow one I just wrote about God’s provision and walking by faith. Ah, God’s timing! We are getting to live it out now, so here’s the scoop…
It’s time to say goodbye-
to our beloved touring van. 200,000 miles of love, music, laughter, and ministry. She will be greatly missed!!

This 15-passenger Ford Clubwagon has also doubled as our second family car, so we’re in quite a pinch. We’d love your prayers as we seek God these next few weeks for His direction. I’m touring less with the band these days, so we mainly need an around-town family car that gets ok gas mileage. Should we use our small, emergency savings to buy an older 7-seater for around $3,000 – Or, do we wait to see if God will provide somehow in another way? We’re going to take a few weeks, juggling one car and praying for what God has next…
Will you pray along with us? If you know of any cars that could fit our family of six, we’d love to hear about them. Also, if you know someone that fixes and replaces engines, who’d be interested in buying our van, please let us know! Our non-profit ministry can receive tax-deductible contributions, and we’d be hugely blessed with however God directs you.
Have you been fortunate enough to experience a road trip in our well worn van?? Or, do you have a favorite memory? Send us a comment here or on Facebook, and we’ll send her off in grand style!
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