Summer Book Recommendation

This is it! I’m only going to recommend one book this summer,
and here it is:
A mentor-friend of mine told me about this book, so I ordered it immediately, and I am so glad I did! This is an amazing novel that you will be UNABLE TO PUT DOWN, yet God has been using it to actually touch many deeply. Reading it, I sensed God’s love in fresh, profound ways – my heart melted anew for my kids and family – and my God came CLOSE, His warm embrace unable to shake off…I am still reeling from the experience…
YOU’VE GOT TO READ IT!!! You order it from this link:
Tell me what you think!
Amazing book!! Yes- a must read.
This book is helping me to better understand some of the mysteries of God’s love for me and His love for all of creation… in a truly profound way.
Go get it- and save time and an extra trip to the store by buying 3 or 4 at a time. You will want to share this again and again with others!