Posted by justinfox on Dec 7, 2010
Brand-new, long awaited fresh music from the Justin Fox band is finally here.
This is Justin’s 10th CD! Three years in the making, it will be released in two parts. Although the second half (early 2011) will feature five new acoustic, intimate tunes, this first volume charges out of the gate with six new songs arranged with the full band in peak form; Joe Servia on bass, John Macelwee on the drums, Brandon Bee filling in the gaps with guitars, Wurlitzers, accordions, background vocals, and hand-claps, and the 160 ft. Naperville Carillon bell tower leading it all off.
Justin’s strong pull toward the coast is still very much a theme on this album, but while “Seabright” may have been a warm, sunny day at the beach, this collection of songs is more suited for a hoodie and a fogged-in afternoon. The minor keys and denser motifs meander over the topics of reconciliation, anxiety, fear, and hope.
Written in California by Justin Fox, produced in Seattle by Brandon Bee (Geffen, Sony, Warner, Amber Pacific), and mixed in Nashville by Todd Robbins (Downhere, Andrew Peterson, Sara Groves)
Whether digital downloads or physical CD’s, we’re committed to a donation-basis structure, so you can name-your-own-price, and order the new 6-song EP here:
And, please consider visiting our website store for the entire Justin Fox catalog (Christmas CD anyone???) – all on a donation basis – shipping included:
Any orders before December 18 in the U.S. will make it for Christmas!
A gull skims along a curling wave, its wingtip almost touching the crest, its body motionless, its face impassive. Too sleepy to do more than grumble, a sea lion lazing on a rock watches the bird soar past. Low and unambitious, the surf washes softly over the sand, stretching thin like a wakening cat, before sliding again into the sea. Thin fog creeps back and forth, trying to decide whether to lie over the water or infiltrate farther inland. A pale blob in the haze, a fishing boat slips by, the sound of its engine a muffled chug-chug-chug. When the world closes in on a person, the beach is an open place, a place to be alone…
A place where saltwater tides erase the past, where mistakes drift out to sea on waves of melody,
and this is the soundtrack…
This is the sound
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Posted by justinfox on Sep 15, 2010
First off; a huge “Thank You!” for the gift of my incredible Sabbatical. It was an amazing, transformative, confirming, and refocusing time.
The first week, I was struck with how little people needed me, how irrelevant I felt, and how empty it was to just be home…not “working”…REALITY was a big word for me that first week. It was like I was able to see reality more clearly than ever before, and most of it wasn’t pretty.
The second week, was camping with the fam, and that was totally fun. The tough feelings of the week before seemed to mesh with the goodness of God’s grace and light, and I began to really rest in the moments of vacation and family-time.
The third week was a time of inspiration! A children’s book with the lyrics of Bob Dylan’s song “Forever Young” captured my heart in crazy ways. I began to see my music as only one facet of a diverse ministry that God wanted to bring into my life, and when I viewed it that way (instead of my everything, or my identity) I got really inspired, seeing visions of future ministry, and writing four songs in about an hour!
The last week was marked by my 24-hour solo, silent retreat along the coastline of San Clemente. It was a powerful time as I felt God invite me, personally, to the new adventure He has planned. Even though I still have no idea what it is, I have a deep sense of excitement and hope in following the God of loving surprises!
Which leads me to my big surprise: I’m going…BACK TO SCHOOL!!!
It’s true! This month, I followed my first-ever Sabbatical with another first; graduate school. I was accepted, along with only 30 other students, into Biola’s Masters program in Spiritual Formation. Here is the link all about the school and the degree program:
I have been a student for two weeks now, and I am loving every minute! I can’t believe I get to do this!!! Heidi has been an encouraging supporter of the idea ever since it begin to grow last year as a small stirring. I looked at other schools included Fuller, Vanguard, and Azusa, but after talking to pastor friends and other leaders in the field, I set my sights on Talbot Seminary at Biola. I’m so honored to have been accepted, and I’m cherishing this experience. It is a three-year program in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care – an intense study of how people grow by the work of the Spirit (including myself), and how to lead others in true growth and ongoing, vibrant relationship with Jesus. It will be interesting to see how God weaves my passion for this subject together with all the other Callings He’s placed in my life! The classes are only on Mondays so far, so I’m adjusting my touring schedule accordingly and praying for God’s direction in it all…
Thanks for your continued prayers, as I discern these new moves of the Spirit.
Stumbling forward,
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Posted by justinfox on Aug 1, 2010
I was reflecting the other day on the story of Jesus, his disciples, and the stormy sea (Mark 4:35-39). You know, the one where he’s asleep in the boat and all the other guys are freaking out, scared the wind and waves might sink them:
“That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, ‘Let us go over to the other side.’ Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, ‘Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?’ He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, ‘Quiet! Be still!’ Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.”
A book by Brennan Manning was encouraging me to imagine a biblical scene, and put myself in the story – to ask myself who I’d be in the drama, and to view it from that perspective. Well, as crazy as it sounds, the first thing I thought of was; “I’m the storm“. I figured that was too weird, quickly tried to think of an actual person in the story that I related to, but the “storm” idea just kept coming back.
And I began to see why it hit me like that: I’m a Type-A personality. I love making things happen, directing events and experiences. I work hard at shaping my calendar, ministry, art, and communication. Like a storm, I’m used to making waves, rocking the boat, and charging forward like a force of nature. I began to look at the narrative from that point of view, and I was floored by the voice of Jesus to me in the story. It hit me like a ton of bricks: “Quiet! Be still.”
This month, I’ll be attempting to obey this directive like never before. I’ve felt led and supported to embark on a month long SABBATICAL this August 2-27. The first break like this for me, ever. It will be difficult in some ways, but I’m so excited to follow God with this radical step. These 26 days will be a time of family, rest, solitude, silence, study, reflection, retreat, and renewal. I can’t wait! I’ve never even taken two weekends off in a row in 17 years, so this will be quite a new, transforming experience. Please keep my family and I in your prayers as we intensely seek God’s direction, peace, and unique presence during this time. I will not be performing, leading, singing, speaking from a stage, or booking future ministry dates, so please also keep my ministry and God’s future plans for it in your prayers, as well.
My I fully let go, releasing my grip on everything but Jesus! And may his peace, like a sea smooth as glass, carry us toward a new shore.
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Posted by justinfox on Jul 24, 2010
Several months ago, I was invited to try and write some worship songs for young children (ages 3-10ish). Since I have a few of those in my house already (the kids, I mean), I felt I had a sense for it, and I dove in. All alone with a laptop and my guitar, I sang my heart out, crying and laughing as I felt God’s inspiration like never before. I wrote eight songs that afternoon! I submitted them all to the producers, and I’m honored to have two of these songs included in the new release Songs from the Playhouse. It’s a high-energy compilation featuring the legendary talents of Kenny Aronoff, Matt Bissonette, and Crystal Lewis. It’s been released internationally by Kingsway, EMI, and David C. Cook. Click the image for the link to it on iTunes:
The two songs I wrote are “Big God Story” (a wide-angle look at the big picture of God’s love and plan for us) and “Child of God” (a celebration of our identity in Christ). They’re both simple tunes that the rockin’ band turned into pop-punk, foot stomping, shout-along scorchers – sure to be a welcome jolt to your family’s music collection. I’m so excited to be part of this newest generation’s worship expression!
There’s also a second album in the series, created more for older, elementary age students, and it’s all a compliment to a brand new family church curriculum by David C. Cook and our ROCKHARBOR church called TRU. If you click the image above, it’ll take you to the website for more info!
And here’s the link for more info on the worship albums, plus a promo video capturing the making of, behind the scenes:
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Posted by justinfox on Jun 16, 2010
An excerpt of my book The Christian Musician’s Guidebook has been published by a magazine, and the article is now online! Check it out by clicking the image below. I’m on page 33 – excited to have you join the conversation!
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