Posted by justinfox on Oct 29, 2009
“I don’t trust anybody.”
A friend was confiding to us how difficult it is to trust. In the journey of faith, trusting is definitely a key component, but sometimes it’s so hard to do! There’s tons of verses in the Bible that talk about trusting even being sort of a gateway to God and His guidance, but how to get there? One time a few years ago, I really sensed God give me a thought about trust that came out like this; TRUST=JOY. It’s true, I really think joy is also a byproduct of trust – very hard to have one and not the other – so if you want to be joyful in life, well, you’ve got to trust, and I’ve discovered that the more you trust, the more joy you’ll have.

So, this Halloween I’ve been thinking a lot about the spiritual; God, Satan, demons, etc…, and call me crazy, simplistic, childish, or whatever, but I really believe the Bible literally, and I believe in God, Satan, demons, angels, parting seas, people-swallowing fish, talking shrubbery…the whole thing! If demons are real, and the devil is trying to keep us from God and His goodness, then I imagine they do NOT want us to learn to trust – in anything! Their goal is to keep us from trusting, from joy, from God, and they never give up, but the good news is that God is more powerful than Satan, and God invites us to use His power against Satan’s attacks. There’s many places in the Bible where we’re instructed to talk right to the demons (crazy, I know) and tell them something like this; “By the power of Jesus Christ, I tell you Satan; let go of me and get out of my life!”
Why don’t you give this a try next time you’re feeling unable to trust (no better time than Halloween)? What have you got to lose? Go on, just try it. I probably pray a prayer like this over one topic or another about once a week, and I almost ALWAYS feel the crazy sensation of something really shifting in the spiritual realm. Totally weird, but I’ve felt it to be true! Besides, no one will make fun of you if it doesn’t work, and if it does…you just might be on a new path to freedom.
A great prayer to follow this up could be; “God, please help me to trust.” He really wants to help you take those big leaps of faith where real life begins.
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Posted by justinfox on Oct 1, 2009
Oh, yah – it’s UKE time!!! My friend and producer, Pete Dawson talked me into playing the ukulele live right after the Seabright release, and it’s been a big hit ever since. For years now, I’ve drug that thing everywhere, from Hawaii to Sri Lanka, D.C. to Decatur, and broken it 3 times! My amazing endorsement comes from a long time friend; Michael Upton at Kala Ukes shown here by his sweet ride…

He hooked me up with 2 beautiful new ukes to replace the old, glued one, and I am feelin’ the aloha!
I got to tour the offices a bit and take some pictures. Here’s a few rare ones in production and a shipment getting ready…

Also, just witnessed maybe the first-ever BASS ukuleles. The strings are rubber. It is acoustic/electric, plugs in and sounds like an awesome bass guitar!!! Crazy!

All in all, a huge thanks to Michael and Kala for such great instruments and generous support of my music. They are great people. When I met Mike he was making these in his bedroom, and now it’s an international, mega business…with the same heart and soul. Rock on, bro!!!!
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Posted by justinfox on Jul 27, 2009

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support!
My parents graciously watched our four children as Heidi and I embarked on the adventure of the summer. We hit the ground running – arriving into Guayaquil around midnight and wandering the airport with no cell numbers, contacts, names, or pick-up information (totally my fault – and NOT a good husbandly move!). Luckily, before intense marriage therapy was required, our awesome host, Kirk Smith, finally pulled up.
The week was a blur of concert ministry, chapel services, radio interviews, and visiting families in need. Heidi’s camera captured some of it in the picture strip above; the big concert Friday night (2,500 people and my sweet backing band :), a big city in massive poverty, bright young faces with fragile futures, the family we’re partnering with – providing a school scholarship for the 7 year old in front, make-shift radio, hundreds of autographs and new friendships, and a lasting passion to do MORE.
So, we’ve accepted an invitation from LACC to help raise more scholarships. There are over 3,500 students that attend the awesome Christian school we partnered with. We were able to experience it first-hand and see what amazing work is going on; kids literally being rescued from poverty, a top-notch education in an environment of joy, and the presentation of real hope through the message of Jesus. I have a stack of about a hundred kids awaiting the chance for a scholarship to attend the school, and just $32 a month is all it takes. All transactions go through LACC, and they’ll guide you in corresponding with your student and any other questions you may have. Would you consider making this a part of your ministry giving? Shoot me an email, and I can help you right NOW to connect with a child in need and make a lasting difference. Thanks for considering joining us!
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