The first-ever Spiritual Retreat, put on and hosted by……ME!!!
I have secured four sites at one of my favorite places on Earth: Upper Pines Campground in the jaw-dropping Yosemite Valley, September 18-20, 2008.
This will be a life-changing weekend to relax, refresh, and renew, caught in the beauty of God’s majestic handiwork. John Muir once said that God speaks to us in nature all the time, but that in Yosemite, He uses CAPITALS. Psalm 145 says it like this:
“Creation and creatures applaud you, God;
your holy people bless you.
They talk about the glories of your rule,
they exclaim over your splendor…”
Let’s take a few days to pull away and add our voices to the choir!
This retreat is open to ANYONE with a desire to get away and recharge…
THURSDAY night will include an amazing dinner, prepared with passion and artistry by our on-site chef, a devotional, an interactive worship experience, S’mores and guitars around the bonfire, and an un-plugged concert of requests and debut songs from the forthcoming album!
On FRIDAY, we will get up early and attempt the summit of one of the most famous mountains of all time: Half Dome! This is the perfect time of year for this, with the cables still up, the weather optimal, and the crowds minimal.
Here’s a link describing the adventure: Half Dome
Folks who aren’t up for this craziness have many options throughout the day at Yosemite.
For a link to some alternate things to do, click HERE
The entire weekend will be accompanied by a pre-trip suggested reading list, raves, advice, and tips on enjoying Yosemite, along with prayerfully prepared, self-guided spiritual exercises – cool opportunities for you to connect with the Creator of it all. My prayer is that it will also be a great time to listen, share, encourage and support each other. Friday night will include another incredible dinner followed by Inspirational Campfire Session #2!
SATUDAY, we’ll conclude our retreat with an awesome breakfast and a time of sharing, worship, reflection and response. I will be making my coveted Pete’s coffee for all…
(for those wishing to stay over Saturday night, other accommodations may be available)
We’ll be tent-camping, so it’s kind of rustic, but I think that’s where all the fun is! (I can help supply some needed tents, if we’re short)
This will be an intimate journey, in that there are only
It is a first-come/first-serve basis, and the registration has OFFICIALLY BEGUN!
The cost is $150 per person, which is a tax-deductible donation that will cover food and your campsite, and support our ongoing music ministry efforts. You can secure your spot with a $100 deposit or, of course, pay the whole amount.
To pay by check:
Send to “Justin Fox Ministries”
3007 Donnybrook
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
By credit card:
We can take your number over the phone at 714-432-8335
With PayPal:
Simply send a payment to “”, or click on the PayPal button on the right of this site.
This is a big leap of faith for us…
THANK YOU for considering supporting and joining me in THE ASCENT!